A few Monday's ago I came out in a snowstorm to go to work. My beautiful car was sitting nicely in the street where we had left it the night before. The scene was something like this:
When I approached my car to dust off the snow and get inside as quickly as possible, I couldn't help but notice that the passenger's sideview mirror was sitting on the hood.
Now, being the sweetheart that I am, I imagined that someone got a little too close to our car on Sunday night and swiped off the mirror. Sure, it would be a less than ideal situation, but one that I could understand. I decided I didn't feel comfortable driving in that much snow without a sideview mirror and went back inside to wait out the storm.
I cam down about an hour later and actually started brushing the snow off of the car. There was finally a little visibility. That's when I began to notice that there were cuts and dents on the driver's side of the car. This is the side on the curb- no on the street. It couldn't have been caused by a sideswipe. It started to become clear that someone had actually attacked my innocent CRV!
I had never been in a situation like this before (I mean, really, who has?) but I did the right thing and called 911. A Denver police office was there in less than five minutes and after talking on the phone for a few minutes informed me that the unheard of had in fact happened: they already had the guy who did this in jail. WOW. That was a shock. Usually you hear about these middle of the night attacks on cars without any suspects. Apparently the guy who attacked our car was kicked out of a bar. His reaction? He hit our car with a wrought iron chair. They had to chase him a few blocks away and pepper spray him down after he hit that sideview mirror across three lanes of traffic. The damage ended up costing $3,700! Luckily, our insurance covered it. We are working now on getting the deductible back.
We have learned our lesson. No parking in front of bars! I hope the attacker learned his lesson, too: no more drinking on sundays.