Saturday, November 15, 2008


So this post is waaaay late, but Sean got a job as an environmental scientist at a local environmental consulting firm! The job is very similar to what he was doing in PA, only with less exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. Yay! His first day was November 3, which means that we were both working within 6 weeks of our move. That is pretty exciting considering the difficult economic times our country is facing at the moment. Unemployment was definitely the riskiest aspect of our decision to move, and we conquered it very quickly. And now we will have health insurance! Such great news, being that my job really lacks on the benefits front. I am so anxious to get some physical therapy done so that I can go for a run/get on a bike/ learn to snowboard. The only big downer with Sean's new job is that it is northwest of Denver and my job is southeast of Denver. And we have one car. He has been a champion bike rider/public transportation taker these first few weeks, giving me the car. We will see how it all works out once we get some more snow and the bike ride is less appealing.

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